Strategic Investments: Local, Proven, Or Evidence-Based
At the Children’s Trust Fund of Oregon, we foster healthy child development and support efforts to protect children in Oregon through strategic investments in local, proven or evidence-based child abuse prevention programs. To achieve this goal, we award grants to programs that can demonstrate their impact in preventing child abuse in Oregon.
Grants Overview
We prioritize grants for programs or program components that nurture and protect children by strengthening families and providing parents and caretakers with the education, skills and resources for healthy child development.
For our 2015-2017 funding cycle, we placed a high priority on evidence-based programs that are proven to be effective in significantly decreasing the risks of child abuse and neglect. We also prioritized programs that partner with other community-based organizations that provide a variety of services such as job training, drug and alcohol treatment, mental health support, and housing assistance, thereby maximizing the assistance received. We focused on universal programs that were both evidence-based and research-based, especially those that concentrated on addressing risk factors, birth to three, high risk populations, and minority populations. Each of the programs we fund offer critical support for families in their community.
Program & Evaluation Committee
Five members of the Children’s Trust Fund of Oregon Board of Directors also sit on our Program & Evaluation Committee.
Committee members:
Youlee You – Program/Evaluation Chair
Angie Blackwell – Governor Appointee, Blackwell Family Resources
Megan McAninch-Jones, Healthcare Management
Renee Moseley, LCSW – Governor Appointee, Bridge Meadows
Rita Sullivan, PhD, Community Volunteer
Programs Descriptions
For nearly 30 years the Children’s Trust Fund has worked on behalf of parents struggling to give their children the best start in life by investing over $10 million in child abuse prevention programs across the state. Last year alone the Children’s Trust Fund made it possible for 46,000 children and families to receive the parenting classes, therapeutic classroom services, and home visits needed to prevent child abuse and neglect. Following are more complete descriptions of the programs and activities we sponsor.
Home Visiting
Home visiting programs work with families whose children are at-risk for adverse childhood experiences, including maltreatment. Services begin prenatally or right after the birth of a baby. Home visits are individualized to address the unique service and cultural needs of each family. The program helps families build strong bonds between parents and children, teaches parents what to expect of their children at different ages, and also models positive parenting behavior.
Relief Nurseries
Relief Nursery programs provide a unique array of comprehensive family support services that are easily accessible to low-income parents with children up to six years of age. From crisis response, to therapeutic classrooms, to alcohol and drug recovery support, Relief Nursery staff work to keep children safe from abuse and neglect.
Parenting Education & Family Support
Parenting education and family support programs strengthen parenting skills, helps parents with stress management, and provide information on healthy child development through peer-to-peer mentoring, leadership training, and support hotlines. Family-centered activities allow parents/caregivers to share their challenges and receive training on how to positively interact with their children. Education classes and activities are community- based and delivered locally for at-risk children and families, making programming more accessible to parents seeking support.
Advocacy campaigns at the state level raises awareness of the importance of supporting families at risk of abuse and neglect. They also see to influence and leverage state and federal funding for evidence-based programs that directly reduce the incidence of child abuse and neglect and increase family resiliency.
Research & Data
Research on the risk-factors that lead to abuse and neglect, as well as on the success rate of prevention programs, informs all of our efforts. It shows us what programs are working well and what communities in Oregon need the most support.
2015-2017 Grant Cycle Programs
For the 2015-17 grant cycle, Children’s Trust Fund of Oregon Foundation is sponsoring 42 service programs across the state providing home visiting, relief nursery respite and parenting education and family support.
The programs we fund are serving families in 29 of Oregon’s 36 counties. Check out our 2015-17 Funded Programs Map of Services (pdf).
Download a complete contact list of 2015-17 funded program service providers here.